Community Awareness Notification
Shell Community Notification
April 19, 2023, 6:05 am
Incident Details: Shell Manufacturing Centre in Corunna can confirm we experienced a unit upset at site at approx. 5:15 a.m., Wednesday, April 19. Near site neighbours may see increased flaring and be aware of an associated increased noise level due to this unit upset. It is important to note the flare system is a safety device at the refinery and is a normal and vital part of safe unit operations. All safety precautions and standard regulatory protocols are being followed as we work to resolve this unit upset. The Spills Action Centre (SAC) has been notified and this organization will be updated as needed throughout the event.
Primary Contact Name: Primary Contact Name: Shell Security
Primary Contact Information: Primary Contact Information: 519-481-1245
Primary Contact Name: Primary Contact Name: Shell Security
Primary Contact Information: Primary Contact Information: 519-481-1245