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Emergency Preparedness

Learning and Improvement

Post Incident Reviews

Lessons Learned 

In a post incident critique with employees and responders, managers can evaluate the effectiveness of the response and identify areas that require improvement. These reviews are best structured and led by a person not directly involved in the incident. The debriefs often include a sequential overview of the response followed by acknowledging what went to plan and what did not. An example of a response sequence includes detection and notification; initial size up; response communications, deployment, and mobilization; command structure; response strategy and resource allocation; response personnel safety; crisis communications (internal/external).

Regional Exercises


The Sarnia Area Disaster Simulation (SADS) is an annual coordinated mutual aid response exercise used to evaluate and improve emergency response to industry events. This vital training activity involves fire, ambulance, police, and local industry emergency response personnel along with other industry staff. By practicing response to a simulated incident, the SADS event provides experience and knowledge building and helps identify areas for continual improvement of emergency response. These simulations are hosted by industry members, the local community agencies, or area emergency response organizations and have been taking place each year for more than 20 years.