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Community Awareness Notification

Shell Community Notification

May 25, 2023, 10:35 am

Incident Details: On May 25th, Shell Manufacturing Centre in Corunna can confirm that at approximately 8:30 AM this morning there was a release of hydrocarbon within the refinery. The Emergency Alarm was sounded, and the Emergency Operations Centre activated. The release has been contained at the unit. External air monitoring has been put in place with readings showing no offsite release. All site personnel have been accounted for and the Spills Action Centre (SAC) has been notified and notifications issued. Should you have question or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the refinery at 519-481-1245. Media requests should be directed via our online media inquiry form:

Primary Contact Name: Primary Contact Name: Shell Security

Primary Contact Information: Primary Contact Information: 519-481-1245