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Community Awareness Notification

INEOS Community Notification

August 28, 2024, 9:54 am

Incident Details: INEOS Styrolution is notifying the community as a proactive precaution that hourly benzene emissions on-site have been detected above 0.021 parts-per million. Monitoring data is being verified and the source(s) of elevated emissions are being actively investigated. Emissions reduction efforts will be identified and implemented if there is an abnormal operating condition at the site. This notification is preemptive and no adverse effects are anticipated with these elevated readings. Additional notifications may occur, no community action is required. Note: INEOS Styrolution is not the only source of benzene in the area. For additional information and real time community air quality monitoring, please refer to the CASA website at

Primary Contact Name: Security

Primary Contact Information: 226-784-3040