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Community Awareness Notification

CAER Community Awareness Notification – Shell

February 17, 2022, 9:35 pm

Incident Details: Shell Manufacturing Centre in Corunna can confirm we experienced a unit upset at site at approx. 9:25 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 17. Near site neighbours may be aware of increased flaring and an associated increased noise level due to this upset. It is important to note the flare system is a safety device at the refinery and is a normal and vital part of unit shutdown and start-up activities. All safety precautions and standard regulatory protocols are being followed as we work to return the unit to service. The Spills Action Centre (SAC) has been notified and a Community Awareness Emergency Response (CAER) notification code issued; these organizations will be updated as needed throughout the event. Should action be required by the community, instructions will be issued by your municipality.

Primary Contact Name: Shell Security

Primary Contact Information: 519-481-1245