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IEC announces changes to facial hair policy

May 20, 2021/By: Bluewater Association for Safety, Environment, and Sustainability

Following approval from the Sarnia-Lambton Industrial Educational Cooperative (IEC) 777 Committee, the IEC has updated its Facial Hair and Piercing Policy in alignment with the CSA Z94.4-18 Standard section on Respirator Interference Concerns.

This updated policy reflects the standards for workers receiving a Fit Test at the IEC and states:

  • Individuals shall present themselves for Fit Testing free from interference of hair where the respirator seals to the skin of the face or neck
  • Individuals shall present themselves for Fit Testing in such a way that head coverings, garments, facial jewelry, or other items shall not come between the skin and the sealing surface of the respirator
  • Individuals who are unwilling or otherwise unable to comply with the interference-free requirement or who are unable to obtain an acceptable fit shall be prohibited from using a tight-fitting respirator
  • Fit Testers shall follow the requirements of the program and shall not perform a Fit Test if they observe that the person is not free from interference where the respirator seals to the skin of the face or neck. In such cases, the Fit Tester shall notify the program administrator or company representative.

Effective Monday, May 17, all Fit Tests at the IEC require full compliance with this updated policy.

A visual reference guide of the IEC’s Respirator Interference Policy with assisting pictures has been attached below.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the IEC at 519-383-1222.