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Emergency Preparedness

New Look for Local Community Notification Service

April 12, 2023/By: Bluewater Association for Safety, Environment, and Sustainability

My Community Notification Network (MyCNN) was reintroduced as Sarnia-Lambton Alerts effective April 13, 2023. 

After nearly 10 years, the name was changed to reflect the evolution of the Everbridge notification system and further identify ‘Sarnia-Lambton Alerts’ as a primary source for community notifications in the region. 

What does this mean for existing subscribers? 

  • New name 
  • New logo 
  • Same alerts 

Partners from Bluewater Association for Safety, Environment, and Sustainability (BASES), The City of Sarnia, County of Lambton, Aamjiwnaang First Nation, and local industry collaborated on the new name, with support from local branding agency, TMRRW Inc. on the design and branding.  

Sarnia-Lambton Alerts uses the Everbridge emergency notification system to alert the community about a variety of events, ranging from severe weather, to traffic, and public safety. Subscribers can customize their communication preferences by selecting which notices they want to receive and how they want to receive them. Notifications are sent to subscribers via their preferred method — mandatory emergency notifications can be sent by home phone, mobile phone, and SMS, in addition to the informational notification methods of email and the Everbridge app — to ensure real-time access to potentially lifesaving information.  

Sarnia-Lambton is home to a long history of collaboration between local municipalities, emergency responders, and industry to continually improve emergency preparedness procedures and a commitment to ensure public safety and community awareness. To uphold this, when critical information and public service announcements are available, there needs to be a way to reach residents as quickly and reliably as possible. Sarnia-Lambton Alerts ensures residents have access to real-time public information when they need it the most. 

Registration for Sarnia-Lambton Alerts is easy and free! Sign up online by clicking HERE or download the Everbridge app to receive notifications directly to your smart phone or hand-held device.