Plains Midstream supports Spring Water Awareness
April 14, 2021/By: Bluewater Association for Safety, Environment, and Sustainability
Sharon Nethercott, Conservation Education Coordinator at the SCRCA does an experiment with a class to help students understand the effects of cold water on the body. NOTE: Photo taken prior to onset of COVID-19 Pandemic.
Lambton County is sprinkled with streams, rivers, ponds and lakes, which make it a playful and inviting place to live. However, during the spring thaw, these watercourses can pose a danger to those who don’t understand the threats that are present.
As a local operator with a focus on safety as a core value, Plains Midstream Canada (Plains) has been a supporter of the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority, and specifically, a donor of their Spring Water Awareness Program (SWAP).
The SWAP travels to schools across Lambton County to educate students from kindergarten to grade six, as well as their teachers, about the dangers of watercourses during the spring thaw.
The streams and creeks children cool off in during summer months, and skate across in the winter, can present dramatically differently conditions in the springtime when the snowpack is melting. Unstable ice, rising water levels, strong currents and cold water temperatures are all dangers that could be life-threatening if not properly understood or respected.
Accidents are often preventable through education and increased awareness. It is vital that children understand the precautions they need to take to remain safe, areas to avoid and the consequences of being caught in freezing water during spring thaw.
Plains is proud to support youth safety and education programs, and environmental conservation efforts in the Lambton community.
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