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Emergency Preparedness

Shell successfully completes Emergency Response Exercise

January 27, 2022/By: Bluewater Association for Safety, Environment, and Sustainability


In early November, Shell Manufacturing Centre (SMC) undertook a complex, multi-day emergency response exercise to demonstrate our ability to effectively respond to and manage a Tier 3 event at our facility. A Tier 3 incident is one with national or global implications, where potential public or environmental exposure is significant, and media interest is intense.

This valuable experience helped demonstrate SMC’s and the Shell Emergency Management (SEM) team’s capability to respond to a significant event.

Transport Canada has a detailed exercise regime that requires oil handling facilities such as ours to complete an oil spill full equipment deployment exercise and an emergency response management exercise to be completed every three years. Shell’s internal control framework also has requirements for Shell facilities to demonstrate a Tier 3 exercise to the SEM group every three years.

Completing such an exercise during a global pandemic took a lot of planning to ensure the ongoing safety of everyone involved. Just under 200 participants, face-to-face and virtually, took on the various roles to support this exercise that included outside agencies and community observers. The exercise went extremely well, thanks to the dedication and determination of all involved.

Article provided by Shell